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#ArtAgainstAtrocities: Youth-Curated Virtual Art Showcase


Calling all students, educators, and art enthusiasts! Join Art Against Atrocities in celebrating the incredible artist-activists and artwork featured in our first-ever showcase! Together, artist and viewer, will have a chance to interact while experiencing a virtual art gallery that shines a light on the atrocities of the world and activists fighting to end them.

Diverse student artists will join us virtually to share the stories that inspired their artwork, which will give us all hope during this challenging time. Through the contest, artists were encouraged to explore what they individually define as “art”. Art that transcends language and culture to a cause bigger than themselves. The art gallery will allow live feedback to create an open discussion-like atmosphere. At the close of the event, let us congratulate the winner of the competition!

In addition to our student artists, virtual visitors to the showcase will have the chance to hear from:

  • Marcel Walker, an award-winning graphic-prose creator, expert in social applications for comic-book art, and lead artist, book designer, and project coordinator for the acclaimed comic-book series CHUTZ-POW! SUPERHEROES OF THE HOLOCAUST

  • Tiffany O’Shea, educator at Montour High School and adviser to the studen leaders behind the Art Against Atrocities initiative

  • Lauren Bairnsfather, Executive Director at the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh

  • David Fox-Estrin, Founder and CEO at Together We Remember

Hosted by Art Against Atrocities, the TWR Youth Action Network, and Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh


About Art Against Atrocities

Art Against Atrocities is a student created and led project that aims to promote genocide and atrocity awareness through art. During a time in which hate thrives, our goal is to bring together students and young adults and create one united message of hope. We encourage people to discover the diverse definitions of what they individually define as “art”: drawings, paintings, music, poems, dances, etc., and describe what words cannot.

About the TWR Youth Action Network

The TWR Youth Action Network empowers the next generation of leaders to be effective human rights advocates by sharpening their skills, growing their networks, and designing projects that can have local, national, and global impact. We apply the lessons of the past to the present to counter division and hate in our schools, communities, and on social media. By remembering humanity at its worst, we inspire humanity to be its best. Art Against Atrocities is one of the projects that emerged from our network in 2020!

About the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh

The Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh connects the horrors of the Holocaust and antisemitism with injustices of today. Through education, the Holocaust Center seeks to address these injustices and empower individuals to build a more civil and humane society. Offerings include: exhibits in our public gallery, an extensive library and archive, engaging cultural events, internationally renowned speakers, and free and affordable resources for teachers.