TIME: 7:00 PM EST | PLATFORM: Zoom | REGISTER: bit.ly/3sC5nYm
Since Myanmar’s independence, the Rohingya have been subjected to multiple rounds of genocidal violence and mass displacements, resulting in over 1 million Rohingya refugees fleeing to neighboring Bangladesh. This panel will address the crisis currently facing the Rohingya, as well as how the recent military coup in Myanmar further complicates their situation. Indianapolis JCRC and Crane Center for Mass Atrocity Prevention will be joined by political prisoner turned activist Wai Wai Nu and Jewish Rohingya Justice Network lead Hannah Weilbacher. Join us to learn more about the ongoing situation and the concrete action steps you can take to support the Rohingya people.
Watch the video below to see Wai Wai Nu’s talk at the 2021 TWR Virtual Global Allyship Summit.