TIME: 24hrs from 12AM ET on 4/29 to 12AM ET on 4/30 throughout the world | PLATFORM: Facebook Live | REGISTER: bit.ly/gamvigil21 | JOIN LIVE: facebook.com/TogetherWeRemember
On April 29th, join survivors and advocates with the #TogetherWeRemember Coalition for a 24-hour global vigil online to conclude Genocide Awareness Month and unite the fight against hate worldwide. The vigil will feature over fifty genocide museums and human rights organizations and travel across twenty-eight countries and dozens of cities, from Hong Kong to Los Angeles.
It will begin at 12:01AM ET on Thursday, April 29 and conclude at 11:59PM ET. All 24 hours will stream live on Together We Remember’s Facebook Page and YouTube Channel, where viewers can get involved in a global dialogue and take action to further truth, democracy, and human rights. All are encouraged to register in advance to receive a reminder email with the live stream links once the vigil begins. And of course, we welcome you to share this invitation with other colleagues and your communities.
With hate on the rise and a global pandemic keeping us apart, it’s essential that we come together virtually across lines of difference. Let's turn collective memory into collective action to bring us closer to the promise of "Never Again" for all.
This global vigil is the culminating event of the #GenocideAwarenessMonth Campaign - thirty days of remembrance, learning, and action to unite the fight against hate worldwide.
REGISTER: bit.ly/gamvigil21
JOIN LIVE: facebook.com/TogetherWeRemember