TIME: 9 AM ET / 6 AM PT | PLATFORM: Facebook/Instagram
In preparation for the memorial project, the Holocaust Memorial Center is inviting community members to volunteer their time and record a video of themselves reading names of Holocaust victims, which will be shared on the center’s website and social-media channels.
This event is a worldwide Holocaust-memorial project where volunteers come together to honor victims of the Holocaust by reciting their names. Coordinated by Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, in consultation with the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the project offers the opportunity to memorialize Holocaust victims not only as a collective, but as individuals, one at a time, through public recitation of their names on Yom HaShoah.
The community will be able to view the Yom HaShoah reading of the names of Holocaust survivors on the Holocaust Memorial Center website and on the center’s social-media channels at www.facebook.com/hmczfc and www.instagram.com/holocaustmemorialcenter.